The Pidgeon process is currently the dominant silicothermic process route to produce magnesium. Calcined dolomite is briquetted with ferrosilicon and reduction is carried out at 1100-1200 degrees Celsius. The magnesium vapour extracted is removed using vacuum condition to condense as a dense metal. Thermodynamic analysis of this process has been carried out in the past to predict the distribution of the metal impurities in condensed magnesium. The results suggested that a number of impurities in different phases formed in the region between reaction zone and condenser. The thermodynamic results only are not sufficient to describe the process, and the knowledge of the kinetics of the Pidgeon process is required. Kinetics plays important role to give more insight to the process such as for process design and control.
2nd Annual High Temperature Processing Symposium, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, 08-09 February 2010 / Geoffrey Brooks, M. Akbar Rhamdhani and Xiadong Xu (eds.)
Conference name
2nd Annual High Temperature Processing Symposium, Hawthorn, Victoria, Australia, 08-09 February 2010 / Geoffrey Brooks, M. Akbar Rhamdhani and Xiadong Xu eds.