Auxetic structural materials show distinctive properties by exhibiting a negative Poisson's ratio (NPR). When these structures are subjected to uniaxial loading, they expand in tension and contract in compression in both loading and lateral directions. In this paper, two AlSi12 re-entrant honeycomb samples were manufactured using direct metal printing (DMP). Quasi-static uniaxial tension was executed in both X and Y direction. A Digital VIC-2D Image Correlation System was used to record the deformation history. Force and displacement were measured by ZWICK machine. The results show that loading direction has a significant effect on the mechanical properties and auxeticity of the tested structure. Re-entrant honeycomb under X-loading withstand lower force and has smaller magnitude of Poisson's ratio compared with that under Y-loading.
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering: 2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials Research and Manufacturing Technologies, (AMRMT2017), Phuket, Thailand, 2-5 Augu
Conference name
2nd International Conference on Advanced Materials Research and Manufacturing Technologies, AMRMT 201