posted on 2024-07-13, 00:28authored byEli Gimmon, Eyal Benjamin, Liora Katzenstein
Radical Strategic Change (RSC) is not a rare event in high technology new ventures, due to their rapidly changing environment. This research explores investors' perspective regarding RSC in their portfolio companies, using a qualitative study by interviewing a variety of 13 financial investors from 7 countries. Findings present three approaches taken by investors: Avoidance, Readiness and Passive. Since the success of RSC is critical to ventures performance, it is suggested that inventors adopt the readiness approach, optimized also through the prisoners' dilemma as reflecting the investor-investee relationship. Further research is needed to validate findings of this study.
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Journal title
Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2008: 5th International Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship (AGSE) Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 05-08 February 2008 / L. Murray Gillin (ed.)
Conference name
Regional Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2008: 5th International Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship AGSE Entrepreneurship Research Exchange, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, 05-08 February 2008 / L. Murray Gillin ed.