This paper investigates how scenario-based design methods can better support the development of mobile appliances. We report the results of an industry case study in a telecommunication organization. Insights were gained into the use of scenarios in current design practice in industry. Because changing use context is a main characteristic of mobile appliances, one focus was on the problems and possibilities of capturing context in scenarios. Initial suggestions are proposed for encoding use context and changing use context in scenarios.
Supporting Community Interaction: Possibilities and Challenges, the Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference (OzCHI 2004), Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, 21-24 November 2004
Conference name
Supporting Community Interaction: Possibilities and Challenges, the Australasian Computer Human Interaction Conference OzCHI 2004, Wollongong, New South Wales, Australia, 21-24 November 2004