Just-In-Time (JIT), one of the key management concepts in Toyota Production System has been widely discussed as a successful operations management methodology. JIT is based on notions such as minimising in-process inventory, flexibility with customer demands, forced problem solving, empowering employees and consolidating supplier relationship. While exact replica of production system JIT arrangements might not be matching in education systems, some elements and concepts should be beneficially translated/ adapted. For example, targeting JIT based enhancements to assessment related feedbacks in education systems is valuable. Therefore, a pilot research by the authors aims to explore suitability by extrapolating interesting lessons and experiences derived from manufacturing supply chains and production management. In this paper, we provide scholarly discussions of our hypothesis that the use of JIT in education systems would be particularly beneficial for improving feedback process and students satisfactions in engineering higher education.
Paper published in the Book of Abstracts for 'Past, Present, Future: the 'Keys' to Engineering Education Research and Practice', the 21st Annual Australasian Association for Engineering Education (AaeE 2010)
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Paper published in the Book of Abstracts for 'Past, Present, Future: the 'Keys' to Engineering Education Research and Practice', the 21st Annual Australasian Association for Engineering Education AaeE 2010