Work related musculoskeletal disorders (WMSDs) are significant among workers engaged in manual handling tasks, e.g. structural steel welding trades. Several research studies and industry reports revealed that such risks are mostly preventable e.g. through relevant ergonomic assessments, facilitating arrangements and job/ workplace redesigns. Common approaches for ergonomic risk evaluations of manual handling tasks in workplaces are: (i) perceptions based information and (ii) field observations, both have certain limitations and challenges. Therefore, applying virtual reality (VR) technique with kinematic motion captures and simulation studies in virtual environment have been additionally considered in our research. This hybrid approach has conveniently enabled more advanced and reliable data for the MSD risk evaluations. This paper presents key details of our VR simulation studies employed for ergonomic evaluation of structural steel welding tasks, especially back pain related musculoskeletal disorders from the metal joining tasks in construction and manufacturing industries. This study results will be useful for further developing WMSDs related decision support system. Practitioner Summary: Ergonomic risk evaluation of manual handling tasks is crucial as these have strong relation with work related musculoskeletal disorders. Through a hybrid research approach including field observations and virtual reality simulation studies, advanced risk assessments can be conveniently consolidated for rational arrangements and decision support - even for challenging occupations such as structural steel welding trade. Moreover, jobs/tasks can be suitably designed/ redesigned without employing risky or expensive field observations or unreliable perceptions.