posted on 2024-07-11, 08:31authored byNicola Brackertz, Russell Kenley
This paper present s a new metho d for measurin g facility performanc e that encompasse s financial and nonfinancial indicators . This metho d is the outcome of pilot study conducted with a local government authorit y (LGA) in Melbourne , Australia. The servic e balanced scorecard takes a stakeholde r approach to the setting of performanc e objective s in relation to the LGAs key result areas, and then assesse s facility performanc e balancing financi al and nonfinancial indicators. The servic e balanced scorecar d takes into account four different perspective s of facility performanc e ± the community, services, building and financial perspectives ± resultin g in a facility performanc e profile. While in this particular instance the servic e balanc ed scorecard was used in local government , the method may also be adapted for use in a corporate environment.