By developing a quantum virial expansion theory, we quantitatively calculate the dynamic density response function of a trapped strongly interacting Fermi gas at high temperatures near unitarity. A clear transition from atomic to molecular responses is identified in the spectra when crossing from the BCS to BEC regimes, in qualitative agreement with recent Bragg spectroscopy observations. Our virial expansion method provides a promising way to solve the challenging strong-coupling problems and is applicable to other dynamical properties of strongly correlated Fermi gases.
ARC | DP0984522
ARC | DP0984637
Two-component ultracold fermions and molecular systems from BCS to BEC transit and cross-theoretical description of the physical characteristics of the region : National Natural Science Foundation of China | 10774190
Ultracold atomic Fermi gases in the strongly interacting regime: A new frontier of quantum many-body physics : Australian Research Council | DP0984522
Imbalanced superfluidity: The quantum mystery that defies solution : Australian Research Council (ARC) | DP0984637