We theoretically study the superfluid phase of a strongly correlated 173Yb Fermi gas near its orbital Feshbach resonance by developing a quantitative pair-fluctuation theory within a two-band model.We examine the density excitation spectrum of the system and determine a stability phase diagram. We find that the 173Yb Fermi gas is intrinsically metastable and has a peculiar equation of state, due to the small but positive singlet scattering length. The massive Leggett mode, arising from the fluctuation of the relative phase of two order parameters, is severely damped. We discuss the parameter space where an undamped Leggett mode may exist.
National Natural Science Foundation of China
Australian Research Council
Spin-orbit coupled quantum gases: understanding new generation materials with topological order : Australian Research Council (ARC) | DP140103231
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Strongly repulsive ultracold atomic gases as a resource for quantum simulation : Australian Research Council (ARC) | DP140100637
Finding the lost particle: Majorana fermions in ultracold atoms : Australian Research Council (ARC) | FT140100003