Coping with COVID-19: Social networks and resilience in Australia's Italian-background community (Final report) | Come si è affrontata la crisi pandemica da COVID-19? Il ruolo delle reti sociali e della resilienza nella comunità italiana d’Australia (rapporto finale)
This study examined how the COVID-19 pandemic impacted the Italian-background community in Australia by using survey data (n = 483). While our results indicate a relatively high level of resilience in the face of the pandemic’s challenges, a significant impact on mental health, sense of safety and ability to connect with family and friends is evident. This study also explored the kinds of support respondents accessed throughout the pandemic; who provided this support; and whether they provided similar forms of support to others. The results suggest that strong ties (ties to family and close friends) were critical in accessing financial and emotional support, and access to health support services, but that weak ties (eg. ties to neighbours and work colleagues) were also important, particularly for emotional support and accessing information. Furthermore, our findings point to relatively strong levels of support for key protective measures introduced by governments during the pandemic such as social distancing measures, mask requirements and vaccine mandates, although support for measures such as travel restrictions, border closures and income support was more mixed.