posted on 2024-07-12, 19:22authored byEpma Lupita Ismudya Putri
Understanding bubble nucleation behaviour is essential for energy saving possibilities in the aluminium smelting process. However, there are still matters of debate regarding the bubble nucleation behaviour. The main reason for this is the CO/CO2 gas transport mechanism on the underside of anode and its correlation between gas diffusion, anode and bath properties is not yet fully understood. Hence this research will use experimental techniques to measure the diffusion coefficient of CO2 in porous anode and molten salt, in conjunction with the measurement of properties of anodes materials. Theoretical values for these diffusion coefficients will be calculated for comparison.
Thesis type
Thesis (PhD)
Thesis note
Thesis presented for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, Swinburne University of Technology, 2019.