posted on 2024-08-13, 05:00authored byQurrat Ul Ain
Micronutrient deficiency, characterised by a lack of essential nutrients like Zinc and Iron in the diet, leads to adverse health effects, especially in young children and pregnant women. Globally, rice consumers often encounter these deficiencies because polished rice lacks these vital micronutrients. Developing methods that can map the distribution of micronutrients within rice grains during germination is essential. This understanding is key to addressing the spatio-temporal variations in the elemental composition of germinating rice and other cereal grains. Such knowledge has significant implications for rice breeding and biofortification programs aimed at enhancing the nutritional quality of grains and seedling vigour.
Thesis type
Thesis (Masters by research)
Thesis note
Thesis submitted for the Degree of Masters by Research, Swinburne University of Technology, 2024.